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About Me

After too many years of a sedentary lifestyle, I decided that I needed to get fit and lose a bit of weight. I started by doing couch to 5k which was a major achievement for a sports dodger like me! I felt alot fitter and had more energy, but didn't really lose much weight. I had tried diets before but always failed because of the meals seemed so dull. I decided to find a way to adapt my favourite recipes to fit in with a calorie counting regime. I used the 'my fitness pal' calorie counter to work out which ingredients had the highest calories and then tested recipes (often several times before I got it right!) to see if I could make them palatable without the calorific ingredients.


I managed to achieve my goal of losing two and a half stone and have maintained that loss for 6 months so far. For me, the most important issues were to avoid sugar, bread, crisps and snacks, and to keep a close eye on portion control. Nowadays, I am able to eat more calorific meals as well as the occasional sweet treat, but I do alot of walking (and the occasional run!) to make sure the pounds don't pile back on again....



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